Hi pretties! My name is Rachelle Taylor and I am a 29 yr old makeup artist in Kansas City, Mo. I have had a passion for all things in beauty since I was a teenager. I was always that "girl" getting everyone ready in high school and I've never stopped being that "girl!" I am a self-taught makeup artist and I believe makeup is art! I love to be creative and to share my creativity with art lovers all across the globe! I love to teach and share my looks with others and I believe that sharing your skill sets with others vs keeping them a secret is the way to go! I love to do lives and answer questions for my followers on Instagram @zendeya_zee and on Facebook @RachelleTaylor! I have over 16k followers and I credit that to being an open minded beauty guru who loves to spread love and beauty to all!! Everyone is beautiful in their own way and there are no rules to makeup in my opinion. Makeup is art and art is creativity. Everyone is free to be creative in their own way!